This is the same ceremony we shared in March for those who wanted ideas for personal ceremony.
Our common intention is point #4 and there are two beautiful poems and a prayer at the end.
Loving all!
Ila Dawn Star Woman
Please remember that this Winter’s form for the Sacred Healing Fire Celebration is not born from fear. It is born from a commitment to caring for each other in every way possible. We are all aware of the impact of COVID19 on community health and are committed to acting in the highest good of all. We also realize our strong commitment to the burning of the Sacred Healing Fire and the strength of our collective power of prayer.
For these reasons, the Sacred Healing Fire is closed to community members and ONLY Fire Keepers will be present as the Sacred Healing Fire burns in the Lodge. Our prayer is that those who are not Fire keepers will hold the Sacred Healing Fire in our Hearts and in our Homes.
thank the Fire Keepers for their dedication and we thank us all for
our collective commitment.
ask us to join together in our Hearts and Homes in Ceremony during
the time that the Sacred Healing Fire burns and to have faith that
amazing changes happen when we work together.
A Prayer
Great Spirit we call to you with deep gratitude for your Divine Spark within each of us. We call to the many names and faces of those Divine Beings that love us and guide us on this Earth Walk. We call to our Higher Selves, to the Divine Beings that we each are so that our highest and best might shine through and together that we create a world that cares for all the children of Mother Earth and Father Sky, for the Oneness of all Life. We call to you Sacred Mother Earth and Sacred Father Sky and thank you for the many gifts you give us especially the gift of Life.
As we move into Ceremony we call upon our Sacred Ancestors to share their wisdom and love and teachings so that the Divine Magic and Mystery of Spirit work through us with ease and joy.
We call to you Grandfather Patrick Saguch who brought the gift and responsibility of Sacred Healing Fire and your many teaching to us. Please know our Gratitude to you for the love and support you continue to give to us. Thank you for being with be us all as we work together to strengthen our own Inner Fires, our connection to the Sacred Healing Fire and the other Fires burning across our world.
Thank you to the Council of the North West. You tell us so often that when there is need we need only ask. Today we ask that you hear our individual and collective prayers for healing and peace, for basic needs met, for strong community spirit as we move through these times of challenge.
We ask you as well to care for those who are helping the sick, those who are living in fear, children who may be feeling these changes and are fearful, and each of us that we may know when and how to reach out and support each other,
Hear our Gratitude for this opportunity to be of Service.
For All Our Relations
Please let us be guided by Spirit as we move into Ceremony. Spirit asks us to go inside and ask what energies are needed to work with the Sacred Healing Fire and each other for the healing and loving needed by all. What really matters is the gathering of our hearts and spirits in a common caring, loving and sharing with all beings.
Here are ideas/suggestions for what you might include in your ceremony. NOTE: There will be Ceremony in the Sacred Healing Fire Lodge 7 am and 7 pm each day. If you can connect between 7 and 9 that would strengthen our collective energy. If not please whenever you can.
1.Preparation for Ceremony ~ smudging of self, home or sacred space, altar and sacred items with sage or white light. Drumming, rattling, singing, toning – so many tools and practices to bring us into Sacred Space.
2. Lighting of your Sacred Healing Fire ~ candle, outside Fire, fireplace … Connecting with the Sacred Healing Fire burning in the Lodge
Aligning our Inner Fire with the Fire in our home and the Sacred Healing Fire in the Lodge. If you have never been, connect through someone you know or your intuition.
3.Opening our Selves to the Beings of Light who walk with us whatever our Spiritual Path and calling them in to support our collective work with the Fire and each other.
4. Sharing these common intentions as focus for Ceremony and Life.
We intend to :
Be grounded in our hearts so that love, higher understanding, clarity, trust, faith, kindness and commitment to community guide us in our thoughts and actions.
Use this time and opportunity to reflect on our lives, to connect at a deeper level to our Selves, families and communities.
Surrender to the shift in consciousness that is being asked of us and that will bring spiritual growth and evolution.
Use the Equinox energy of natural balance when dealing with the complexities and distractions of life.
Draw on our spiritual practices and tools to come from our calm, trusting and centered places within.
Look for and give thanks for all the positive that is coming from this world wide challenge.
5. Communicating our personal prayers/intentions to Spirit.
6. Connecting with the Pipe ~ most of us know this beautiful Pipe, Fire Buffalo who has walked with us for many years. A very important teaching that Fire Buffalo has given us is that we are the Pipe. Let us be that Pipe for Great Spirit to fill and smoke. May we be that smoke that reaches back to this world as loving people committed to being of service to all.
7. Celebrating the Equinox/Solstice
This is a time to immerse our Selves in the natural teachings that come from the relationship of Day and Night, a time to reflect upon what the Season means to us and to express gratitude for Nature’s gifts to us.
8. Expression of Gratitude ~ We have so much to be grateful for. At this time may we reflect upon all the gifts that are coming from the impact of this very tiny virus. May we look for the very many acts of kindness and growing community spirit and for all the innovations and changes that will come.
9. Sending the energy of our Ceremony out to everywhere it is needed in our world.
10. Closing the Ceremony ~ This ceremony with the Sacred Healing Fire may physically close but Life is a ceremony that continues with every breath,, with every act of Kindness and very loving thought, with every expression of gratitude, with every prayer and intention.
11. Feasting our Heart and Home Sacred Healing Fire ~ May every Heart and Home Feasting of our Fires be full of Gratitude for us all, for our positive intentions for each other, for our contributions for caring for each other and our communities.
I am loving us all!
Dawn Star Woman
Two Inspiring poems and a prayer
What if you thought of it
as the Jews consider the Sabbath—
the most sacred of times?
Cease from travel.
Cease from buying and selling.
Give up, just for now,
on trying to make the world
different than it is.
Sing. Pray. Touch only those
to whom you commit your life.
Center down.
And when your body has become still,
reach out with your heart.
Know that we are connected
in ways that are terrifying and beautiful.
(You could hardly deny it now.)
Know that our lives
are in one another’s hands.
(Surely, that has come clear.)
Do not reach out your hands.
Reach out your heart.
Reach out your words.
Reach out all the tendrils
of compassion that move, invisibly,
where we cannot touch.
Promise this world your love–
for better or for worse,
in sickness and in health,
so long as we all shall live.
- Lynn Ungar
By Fr. Richard Hendrick, OFM
March 13th 2020
By Fr. Richard Hendrick, OFM
March 13th 2020
Yes there is fear.
there is isolation.
there is panic buying.
there is sickness.
there is even death.
say that in Wuhan after so many years of noise
can hear the birds again.
say that after just a few weeks of quiet
sky is no longer thick with fumes
blue and grey and clear.
say that in the streets of Assisi
are singing to each other
the empty squares,
their windows open
that those who are alone
hear the sounds of family around them.
say that a hotel in the West of Ireland
offering free meals and delivery to the housebound.
a young woman I know
busy spreading fliers with her number
the neighbourhood
that the elders may have someone to call on.
Churches, Synagogues, Mosques and Temples
preparing to welcome
shelter the homeless, the sick, the weary
over the world people are slowing down and reflecting
over the world people are looking at their neighbours in a new way
over the world people are waking up to a new reality
how big we really are.
how little control we really have.
what really matters.
we pray and we remember that
there is fear.
there does not have to be hate.
there is isolation.
there does not have to be loneliness.
there is panic buying.
there does not have to be meanness.
there is sickness.
there does not have to be disease of the soul
there is even death.
there can always be a rebirth of love.
to the choices you make as to how to live now.
behind the factory noises of your panic
birds are singing again
sky is clearing,
is coming,
we are always encompassed by Love.
the windows of your soul
though you may not be able
touch across the empty square, sing.
Prayer to the Fire through Sarah
May the world wake up and quiet down. May the events of this world create a rising of mass consciousness, of appreciation and cooperation. May the Healers and the Keepers of the Earth be infused with infinite energy and guidance from the universe and our ancestors. May we trust that good prevails and May we look to each other for hope and support. May there be a shift to sustainable living and peace for all. May we live with courage and in harmony with our mother earth. May love and compassion and truth be our pandemic. Blessing and thank you for your good work
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